mtc CMS2+ multilingual management feature

05 May 2016

mtc CMS2+ multilingual management feature

When you hire mtc - not only do you get professional level service in everything ranging from design to marketing – but you also get access to our innovative systems that will help you become an expert in managing your website. We work relentlessly to make sure our products are on the cutting edge and offer all features you’ll need to achieve success.

Today I’d like to highlight our new improved multi-language management feature we offer with our Content Management System – mtc. CMS2+.

We can help you reach a global market!

In today's globally connected world it is important to utilise the power of the internet to not only reach markets in your country but also abroad. Our multi-language management features will help you make your website familiar with people that you might share a common interest with but not a common language.

The mtc. CMS2+ offers the capability to manage multiple languages for both dynamic content like "news articles", "about us" pages and small static things like "buy" and "sign up to our newsletter" buttons.

The dynamic content language management is done through our easy to use content manager panels that have been setup to give you an immersive experience uninterrupted by unnecessary page reloads. Changing text in German is just as easy as changing text in English while at the same time not cluttering up the interface with text boxes for every single language. You switch the language just by flicking a select box before seeing the selected language load in seamlessly.

All websites have also static text – this is text like button labels or form placeholders. It’s language management is done through a static text translation manager. That gives you an overview of static bits of text from throughout the website and allows you to supply translations for them.

We also give you the ability if required - to make only certain pages multi language.

The system doesn’t discriminate between languages and allows the installation of any language, be it German, French, Mandarin or Arabic.

We also offer a selection of ways the language can be shown to the user in the URL –

URL structure




Top level domains

· Clear geotargeting

· Easy separation of sites

· Least link issues possible

· Expensive (can have limited availability)

· Strict ccTLD requirements (sometimes)


· Easy to set up

· Can use Webmaster Tools geotargeting

· Easy separation of sites

· Least link issues possible

· Users might not recognize geotargeting from the URL alone


· Can use Webmaster Tools geotargeting

· Most popular

· Users might not recognize geotargeting from the URL alone

So enquire now and find out how we can help you reach a global market!

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